⭐️Membership Now Open⭐️
Join us today. Stand with your community. Be a part of something that truly matters.
At the heart of Liverpool’s Irish community, the Liverpool Irish Centre has been a vital hub for culture, support, and connection for generations. But now, more than ever, we need your help to continue this legacy. By becoming a member of the Centre, you’re not just joining an organisation — you’re investing in the future of our community.
There are no special discounts, the benefit you receive is more meaningful: your membership is a direct way of supporting a space where traditions are cherished, people are helped, and a sense of belonging thrives - and you can giftaid it!
Your membership helps ensure that the Centre can keep its doors open, offering support to those in need, preserving our shared heritage, and fostering a welcoming place for everyone, whether Irish-born, Irish-descended, or simply passionate about our culture.
Together, we are stronger — and together, we can continue to make the Liverpool Irish Centre a home for all.
Memberships renewed this month will be valid until 1/3/26.
Head to our website for more info: www.liverpoolirishcentre.org/memberships