Home Alone 2020
I am home alone
When will this pandemic end?
Stay indoors, stay safe
No more hugs, self-isolate
I'm on the terrace
The river is calming me
I notice the swans silently sailing on by
Pink, pretty roses
In terracotta pots shine
Orange flowers, chives
Purple pansies, catch my eye
Glorious summer!
In England, in May
Nature is healing
The Earth breathes, the sky is clear
Listen to the breeze
Whispering to me
The sun's rays glitter like gold
Springtime is calling
Mother Earth embraces us
'Quarantine', she smiles
Ladybirds, bees, butterflies
They need me right now
Sprinkle magic to our days
Without me, they die!
My busiest time of year!
Margaret Ryan
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