It's our annual Wreathmaking Masterclass with 10 times Gold Winner of The Chelsea Flower Show, Don Billington.
Friday 11th December 7pm - £22
Come down and make some wreaths or table decorations at The Centre. All greenery and decorations are included in the price.
Price includes Christmas nibbles and tea/coffee.
Booking essential as we need precise numbers.
E-mail angelabillin@hotmail.co.uk to book your place now!
Centre: during shop opening times
Phone: 0151 2631808

Join us for the big, mad quiz of 2020.
What a year, a wasted year almost...Come down to The Centre and show us what you've learned from this absolute whirlwind.
Saturday 12th December - 7pm, £5
We'll be open from 6pm, we'll have our usual quizmaster, James MacGregor. He's excited to build this quiz.
We'll be serving a wonderful Christmas Curry.
Tickets available from Eventbrite
Reserve to pay OTD: info@liverpoolirishcentre.org
Phone: 0151 2631808
Centre: during shop opening times
All Tier 2 guidelines are in place.

....With the 3 course Christmas Dinner
This is the one you've all been waiting for...The Christmas dinner, the hurling final and a grand sing song with Irish country sensation Patsy.
Sunday 13th December, 3pm. £12
Limerick vs Waterford GAA Hurling Final
Match starting at 3.30pm, 3 course meal served throughout - with Patsy singing after the game.
Booking essential!
Reserve for OTD: info@liverpoolirishcentre.org
Tickets available from Eventbrite
Over the phone: 0151 2631808
Centre: during shop opening times
All current Tier 2 guidelines in place
Please note, you must purchase tickets or reserve to attend the Centre.