The Centre’s running club, ‘The Liverpool Irish Rovers’ are organising a virtual journey home. Why Dungarvan? Since 1974, there have been connections between the Liverpool Irish Centre School of Dance (formerly the Bolger School, now the Bolger Cunningham School) and the SliabhCGua dancers of Dungarvan. There have been annual exchanges over long weekends in which music and dance and song have been celebrated and long friendships formed for over 50 years. This year of course that was not possible.
The idea is to re-create the trip to Dungarvan. Each day runners (and walkers, some with dogs) will travel part of the way and the miles will be totted up and each day there will be a report on progress. As the journey unfolds there will be a song or dance or piece of music relevant to the stage reached. In this way people will relive previous journeys and happy times and will enjoy Irish culture throughout the trip and especially when Dungarvan is reached.
We'll be sharing a selection of our pictures, fitness trackers and videos during the journey...
Marks, get-set...go!

The Headteacher is on the run...
The Dungarven Boyos are on track!

Keep it movin'

A lovely day to stretch the legs....And just like that we're at 70 miles. We're in Bangor!
I'm sure we'll have a lovely day, when we get to Bangor.
What an absolute Bangor! Get it?
After all the running and merriment, we're a bit sleepy....Cue Dylan.