As part of the Liverpool Irish Centre response to the second lockdown, we'd love to re-instate our Lockdown diaries.
For this we will need your help, we are opening up our website for the whole community, got a story you'd like to share? A favourite song you'd like to write about? A favourite poem you must share with the community? Want to tell us how you're keeping busy in this second lockdown? The world is your oyster, you can talk about anything you wish...Just keep it PG.
How about your memories of the old Irish Centre? Or a special party or event that's happened in our current home? Want to give a free music lesson or a talk on the history of GAA. You get the point... Ideas on a postcard.
Have a look back into our blogs history for ideas.
Please send any ideas or entries to info@liverpoolirishcentre.org we can't wait to share them.
Not content with this, we are busy working away in the background. We are pleased to be moving some of our health activities virtual for the time being. See attached documents below.
We have been busy making new friends, as we have announced a partnership with Fans Supporting Foodbanks. We aim to show them how generous Liverpool's Irish Community is, as we do our bit to support people struggling with food poverty during the current times. You can find our foodbank drop off point in our hallway leading to The Shop. We're open 7 days a week.

The Lockdown Support Group - this is the only way we can legally meet together at The Centre. We understand that this is a very difficult time in what is a nightmare of a year, we want to provide a place to share your feelings with a supportive group of like minded people. The group will be community led with no particular facilitator - the members are the facilitators. We will be there to provide free teas/coffees and Irish biscuits plus a lovely warm room to sit in. If you're feeling stressed and want to chat - this is the place. If you want to discuss sport - this is the place. If you want to read a poem to the group - this is the place. Anything goes, but the most important thing is that we get together and chat, and support each other, like we used to do in the grand old days of 2019.

Our Irish Shop will remain open no matter what happens - as it was during the first lockdown. We endeavour to get our orders spot on and ensure we do not run out of all of your favourite essential products. We have increased stock capacity at The Centre and have a range of Christmas cards on sale. The Irish Shop is open 7 days a week - see social media for our latest weekly opening times.

We're working on our catering offering, each week we get closer to being ready and able to serve food from The Centre. We have created a packed programme of food-based events for December and we endeavour to be locked and loaded for an action packed month (provided we can open) we will go live with this when the time is right. We'll tell you now, there's some really exciting things planned!
We're also in discussions with artists to bring you some virtual events.....watch this space!
If the weeks turn into months, we will be making more announcements. We will not go anywhere, we will be as versatile as we have been over the last few months. You do not need to worry about your Irish Centre - We will keep the show on the road. No matter what life throws at us!
