Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Liverpool Irish Centre

Thursday 3rd November 2022 starting 7pm at 6 Boundary Lane
1 Taking of the register of members and those attending
2 Apologies
3 Minutes of last year’s AGM
4 Report on the Accounts to the year end March 2022 and the current finances of the Centre
5 Report of the Chair
6 Election of new trustees – see below
7 Short presentation about the Liverpool Irish Centre
9 Close and refreshments
Election of new trustees
The following applications will be considered:
Paula Mudd, Declan Doolin, Shane Egan, Rachel McMurray, Liam McGuire, Charlie Maunsell. Their applications will be posted on the website. They will be invited to speak briefly.
Three of the existing trustees have retired and there are five possible vacancies (the maximum number of trustees is 12).
13th October 2022
Please see the below committee nominations and accounts.