Well, it's been emotional. We've had songs, stories, runs, jogs, walks, photos, videos and
plenty of geography.
We've all had a lovely time, from the runners, to the musicians, to the walkers, the likers and those watching our journey unfold online.
We set out on this journey as part of the To Be Irish programme of virtual events - to keep the Irish global family connected at Christmas, we played our part and thanks to all who joined in, as without your interaction, it would have all been for nought.
Anyway, how did our last day go?

We've ran from Birmingham to Warrington, lets have a pint in The Irish Club.
Would be rude not to visit those Warrington Wolves.

Quick selfie, before we hit Manchester, we're making real progress here.
Thanks Martin. Check out his Irish in The UK TV show, we feature pretty regularly.
We're kind of a big deal.

So much heritage....

There's no place like home...Quick family snap and we're hoping for a glorious welcome.
Keep it Irish, keep it country and keep it coming. Pints on the bar, line them up.
Did someone hear us say, "There's pints on the bar?"

Even the swans have heard about the best Guinness in Liverpool.
That's it chaps! We're back at The Centre...Some words of inspiration from The Godfather.

Have a rest, rovers. Have a rest Liam. Get the roast dinners down yourselves.
Tell em' Meg! 1067 miles on the clock in 10 days. Line the pints up...
How we're heading into 2021. Keep up the good work, little one.

How the cool kids roll... Join up with Liverpool Irish Rovers this year.

Make friends, get fit, stay connected. God knows we need that now, more than ever.
We've been on the pints for a few hours now, Patsy's playing the shovel, Phil's moved on to the whiskey, Pat Power's gave the 'Kraken Nod'
Time for The National Anthem - Amhrán na bhFiann - On your feet lads, the sore legs can wait.
We've loved it, thanks for coming along, as we move into this new year, with further restrictions announced - we will continue to improve, to stay relevant and to reach out to our community.
Watch this space for more news!