They're coming in thick and fast - Piping hot? A bit lumpy? Mashing brilliant? A chip off the old block? Let us know what you think.


The 'Not Quite a Spud'
King and Queen do what they want

The 'Cheating Heart' Spud

The "it's a global pandemic, put a mask on" Spud

The Nazareth Spud

The Ecumenical Spuds

The Famous Ceili Spud

The Meath Spud

The Very Artistic Spuds

The CottonBuddy Spuddy

The 'Leave One in The Pump' Spud

The Loughran School of Irish Spuds

The 'Social Distance When Everton Are Losing' Spud.

The 'Yes, We Know Mary' Spud

The 'Is That Real Hair?' Spud

The 'My Mum Says I'm Handsome' Spud
It's super easy! Design your spud, donate £2 to our PayPal, nominate 2 friends, share your spuds to your own social media and then inbox your spuds to one of our social media channels or send them to