‘To Be Irish at Christmas’
Take me home…
· Are you missing getting home this Christmas?
· Feeling a bit sad about that?
· Well… we can help you…
Starting the 21st to 31st December …
We will run/walk - 602 Miles to Dungarvan, County Waterford from the Liverpool Irish Centre
Make the impossible journey home/holiday… possible
We leave Liverpool Irish Centre on the 21st December (virtually), and aim to return on the 31st December (at the latest)
We will showcase our efforts by our Irish people and friends of Ireland at this special time on social media: with daily uploads of pictures and updates on our ‘Green/Glas’ journey
Dust down the fitbit and get out and about walking/running –
This is your journey home/holiday and is a chance to bring some friends along
Simply record your distance and send it across to us, so we can tally where we are up to on our journey each day.
Get your family out and let’s get recording and staying healthy and of course wear something green.
We will be sharing songs which hold a special significance at different points in our journey - send us your suggestions.
Be sure to upload/tag your pictures or stats to Liverpool Irish Centre's Social Media channels - Twitter - @LiverpoolIC Facebook - @liverpoolirishcentre and Instagram - @liverpoolirishcentre
or via email to liverpool2dungarvan2020@gmail.com - or easiest of all - just ask us to join our special 'Liverpool to Dungarven Whatsapp Group.'
Feel free to give what you can as we target £650 - though there is no pressure to give. Please do join in regardless.