We're on the way home, it's snowing. We're ploughing through the snow. Run home, runners.
Run, run Rudolph.

An interlude of lovely Wicklow ducks. Looks a bit like Sefton Park.

Clearly, someone does want to build a snowman. Strong effort.

That's a very frosty collage.

Great pic guys. Cold in Wicklow?
Tell em' Charlie, and welcome to Dublin, runners.

We're sure you'll be singing along with the Irish songs one day, wee chap.
*The Snowy Road to Dublin

Hats and coats girls, hats and coats.

Okay, three hails Mary's, just to be safe.
Alive, alive oh. Alive, alive oh - Go on, join in.

Free the Dublin 8!
All that singing, lets have a bit of dancing - Nice socks.
Just like that, we'll be getting back on the big boat home.
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