Weekly Happenings
With so much going on, it's hard to keep up. Here's a weekly timetable. Please note, events run mainly of a weekend and no two weekends are the same.

(shop open 10-4pm)
Gardening class 10am - Shed
Comhaltas music classes 6:30pm - 8.30pm
(shop open 10-4pm)
Sequence Dancing 1pm-4pm
Liverpool Irish Choir 6.30pm-8pm
(Shop open 10-4/6-9pm)
Irish Tuesday Club (which meets on Wednesday) 1pm - 3pm
Roxy Yoga 6pm
Irish Language 6-8pm (Shed/H.R)
Traditional Irish Group The Lowlands 7pm to 9pm.
Liverpool Irish Flute Band 7.30-8.30pm
Supper Ceili (last Wednesday of the month) 8.30pm til late​

(shop open 10-4/6-9pm)
Afternoon Tea Dance/Bingo 1pm - 4pm
Irish language Lessons 6-8pm
Bolger Cunningham Irish dance class 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Liverpool Irish Rovers Social Run: 6.30pm
Bar open 2pm - 12am (shop open)
Irish Card Game 25 - 9pm
See Blog/Social Media for events
Bar open 2pm - 12am (shop open)
Parkrun (Croxteth Park) 9am
Bolger Cunningham School of Irish Dance 9.30-12pm
Tin Whistle Class 10.30-11.30am
Bar open 12.30pm - 9pm (shop open)
Live GAA and Premier League football all day.
Live music every Sunday 4/5pm